Huisartsenpraktijk van Vliet

English Information

* ZOED Molenwijk (Zorgverleners Onder Eén Dak)
Frieslandlaan 16
2036NE Haarlem
Tel: 023-5338259
Opening hours GP- office: 08.00-17.00 hrs.

* Huisartsenpost- HAP (For medical care after 17.00 hrs, at night and in weekends)
Boerhaavelaan 22
2035 RC Haarlem
tel. 023-7504568
Please call first for assistance
You will need your insurance details and BSNumber.
Please Note : you have the opportunity to check online  if contacting the HAP is the right action to take in your situation. Please fill in a few questions and you will receive medical advice.
please check Home – Spoedpost Haarlem
Available in 12 languages!
-To make an appointment with your G.P. call 023-5338259. Please wait for the assistant to take your line.
-In case of an emergency ( urgent medical attention) please press 1
-When every second counts call 1-1-2
Consult on appointment
To consult the G.P., practice nurse or medical assistant, you will need to make an appointment in advance
⦁ A standard consult is 10 minutes. This is to discuss 1 issue or complaint. Should you have more issues to discuss or just need more time, please inform the assistant when making an appointment!
⦁ Should you wish an appointment for the same day, please make sure to call between 08.00-08.30 hrs. The assistant may inquire after the reason of your consult  to determine the urgency of your appointment.
⦁ House calls are usually made between 12.00-14.00 hrs. Should you be unable to come to the practice and need a visit from your G.P., please call before 10.00 hrs.
PLEASE NOTE:  as there are more possibilities for treatment here, we would like to press it would be better to come to the practice, if possible.
⦁ Should you not be able to come to your appointment, please let us know at least 1 day in advance.  After a repeated  “no-show”  we will be forced to charge an amount of 
EUR 10,- . This will not be reimbursed by your health- insurance.
⦁ Please note all telephone conversations will be recorded. After 90 days these records will be deleted.
⦁ After a blood test or x-ray, you can call our practice for the results, after 2 days.
After other medical examinations, your assistant will inform you when to call for the results.
Medical prescriptions
1st prescriptions will always be discussed with the G.P. 
Should you need a re-run of your prescription, you can call the practice and choose no 3.
Please clearly pronounce your full name and date of birth and the name of the medication you would like to repeat.
Sharing your medical details and check  laboratorium results.
1. please check 
2. To login you will need a DigiD number (digital identity number:
3. Accept voorwaarden and privacyverklaring (general conditions and privacy statement)
4. indicate in which cases you would like to receive an e-mail.  Advice: activate all options to receive messages.
5. Your application is completed. You can now make use of
6. Go To : Mijn Dossier
7. Kick on: Uitslagen van uw arts. You can now look into your labresults.
Via  you can  also schedule your next physical appointment  with your G.P.